Fellows Board

Will Camfield

Trainee Accountant in Local Government

Board member

Will became a Fellow in 2014, and joined the Fellows Board in 2016.

‘My journey with Making The Leap I feel was similar to many – an enthusiastic, bright graduate who soon felt lost once I had left university. Sadly this is an all too familiar tale for many young people. Luckily for me, I had the fortune of doing the Making The Leap workshop which reinvigorated my drive and confidence and in my role as part of the fellows board I hope to reach out to the many young people in a similar situation to where I was.

We as the Board are aiming to create an alumni network of ambitious young people who can rely on each other for support and encouragement in their aim of being the very best people they can be. This element, for me, is the most rewarding part of being a member of the Fellows Board.’