
Before coming to Making The Leap I was struggling to find a job in my chosen field, despite having a bachelor’s degree in Computer Networking with a 2:1 grade. I was introduced to Making The Leap, a social mobility charity that emphasises the importance of developing soft skills to achieve career ambitions. Initially I was uncertain because I thought my soft skills were more than sufficient, but I decided to give it a go.

My experience at Making The Leap was very eye-opening – it showed me how much I could improve my soft skills with small improvements like having a firm handshake and bringing out my personality in interviews. As the Workshop continued, I noticed the ways I was able to develop personally, such as talking in front of my peers without being hesitant and actually enjoying it. Another activity that really helped, which I originally thought was irritating, was presenting jokes at the beginning of each day – I soon realised that this was helping bring out my personality!

Soon after the workshop ended I was invited to an assessment day by NSSL Global for the role of Data-Communications Engineer. At first I found it daunting because there were four other candidates going for the same position as me. However, I remained calm and proceeded with the tasks at hand. Making The leap really helped with the assessment day as there were two team-building exercises, and I’d had plenty of practice on the Workshop. I knew how to engage in the group and make my voice heard.

Abdul and his cohort of ACE Workshop Fellows

I then went on to do the self-pitch, which involves a lot of research about the company. I was able to successfully and confidently present why I wanted to work for the company and why they should hire me because we had practiced similar presentations multiple times in the Workshop. Finally I had the technical interview, which I was successful in, and was offered the role of Data-Communications Engineer.

Without Making The Leap this would not have been possible. They gave me some great insights in to how soft skills can make the difference in interview situations and helped my confidence grow. I personally want to thank everyone at Making The Leap, and my cohort of Fellows, who have touched me in so many ways.

I am now waiting for my start date as Data-Communications Engineer on the 23rd April.

By Abdul, aged 25

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