
Roel is 22 years old and was born and raised in London. Growing up, he felt he had a lot of potential but reflecting back he admits that he did not apply himself during his education as much as he could have. He always did just enough to pass and after graduating from university, he could not find a job.

After many months of applying for work and wondering what he was doing wrong, Roel met a member of the Making The Leap team in his local Jobcentre Plus office and was invited to attend our programme to benefit from our assistance. Initially, Roel did not know what to expect but he completed the programme and found it to be an extremely beneficial and eye-opening experience. Roel started volunteering at Making The Leap which he found thoroughly rewarding and this further boosted his confidence. With the help of Making The Leap, Roel secured a full time customer service role with Nationwide and is now working in a local branch.

“I am so happy that Making The Leap found me because they really did show me how much I can achieve if I apply myself. The team at Making The Leap really did inspire me to be so much more. Not only did I develop the skills and qualities that would enable me to get a job, but I also grew as a person. My family are so proud of me, and I can finally afford to buy them the birthday and Christmas presents that I promised them ages ago! I would recommend the services of Making The Leap to anyone out there because they really do help turn your dreams into reality by working on the most important thing, YOU!”

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